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Ulme-Choir: Starting Point with Omar Znkawan

Datum - 20.02.2020
19:00 - 21:00 Uhr

We have been dreaming of it for a long time, now we  finally start:
We will have a choir for women and men aged 16 and over.
Do you want to sing?
Then we invite you to our first meeting:
Thursday February 20, 2020, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Ulmenallee 35.
Singing with Omar Znkawan should bring joy and relaxation from everyday life.
What do we want to sing?
Folk songs, jazz, blues and international songs in different languages (German – English – Arabic – Turkish – ……).
Many of us already know Omar as talented saxophonist and clarinetist from concerts at Ulme and at Werkstatt der Kulturen  – but he has also led choirs in Syria for many years and we look forward to starting a new adventure with him!