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Interkulturkino: For Sama (arab./engl. with german subtitles)

Datum - 14.08.2020
19:00 - 21:00 Uhr

„For Sama“, a documentary (2019) by Waad al-Kateab and Edward Watts
arab./engl. with german subtitles
Dear friends of intercultural cinema,
on the 6th of march we met for the last time in the lecture hall of Ulme35 to watch „Not without my daughter“. One week later we had to close, due to Corona. Now we dare to restart with a very special film.
The documentary film „For Sama“ was created from the recordings that the young Syrian activist Waad al-Kateb made for five years with her mobile phone, later with a video camera: Starting with the protest movement, ending in war, she documented the suffering, but also the courage to face life of the people in her immediate vicinity. During these years in Aleppo, while the war was raging, she fell in love with the doctor Hamza, married and had her daughter: Sama, to whom this touching film is dedicated, documenting the war, but also the people’s support from a female perspective.
„For Sama“ was nominated for an Oscar for Best Documentary Film and received several awards. Shortly after it was released, Corona broke out and the cinemas were closed.
Now you can see it here, but under certain conditions: Please register, if possible, so we can reserve seats for you. We have to respect the rules of distance, i.e. only people from one household can sit directly next to each other. Instead of 100 spectators we can only let in about 30.
You can register here:
(Buchung = Booking)


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