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ARTIST TALK # 13 – Workshop

Datum - 31.08.2019
15:00 - 19:00 Uhr

ARTIST TALK # 13 – Artistic Positions in Dialogue
Guest artists: Christa Fülbier, Marwa Younes Almokbel
Friday, 30.08.2019 / 19 – 21 h / Artists Portfolio and Podium
Saturday, 31.08.2019 / 15 – 19 h / Workshop & Artistic Participation
Ulme 35 – Raum für Kunst, Kultur & Begegnung
Ulmenallee 35, 14050 Berlin-Westend

The 13th ARTIST TALK – Artistic Positions in Dialogue will take place on 30th and 31st of August.
Once a month, at the international cultural center Ulme35 (Ulme 35 – Raum für Kunst, Kultur & Begegnung), artists or artist collectives from Germany meet with fellow artists who recently came to Berlin. During an informal talk in the salon of the Ulme35 on Friday evening, they will present their artistic work, their background and their work environment. In a workshop on Saturday afternoon the invited artists will meet the attendees in a new experimental dialogue field. Together they will develop an artistic format, a joint picture, a performance, a manifesto, a film… The formats will not be pre-defined; we want the artists to surprise us on each occasion.
For the 13th ARTIST TALK Syria and Germany will meet again in the artist dialogue. Two young artists, Christa Fülbier and Marwa Younes Almokbel, will present their portfolio on Friday, 30.8. at 19:00 and together they will offer an art workshop on Saturday, 31.8. at 15:00. Both combine the experimental and the interdisciplinary, even if their installations and performances have very individual formal languages.
Participation is free of charge. The ARTIST TALK workshops target artists of all genres, art students and art lovers. Please sign up via Inbox on Facebook or email at atelier@interkulturanstalten.de.
With the kind support of the Berlin project fund Cultural Education (Berliner Projektfond Kulturelle Bildung)