Datum - 20.07.2021
11:00 - 14:00 Uhr
26th and 27th of April 2019
ARTIST TALK # 10 – Artistic Positions in Dialogue
Invited artists: Shirin Ashkari (Iran) & Irina Novarese (Italy)
Friday 26th April 2019 / 7 – 8.30 pm / Artist portfolio and podium
Saturday 27th April 2019 / 3 – 7 pm / Workshop and art practice
Ulme 35 – Raum für Kunst, Kultur & Begegnung (international culture centre)
Ulmenallee 35, 14050 Berlin-Westend
After the Easter holidays the artist exchange cycle continues: The 10th ARTIST TALK – artistical positions in dialogue will take place on 26th and 27th of April. On each month, artists or artist collectives from Germany will meet with fellow artists who recently arrived in Berlin, at the international cultural centre Ulme35 (Ulme 35 – Raum für Kunst, Kultur & Begegnung). During an informal talk in the salon of the Ulme35 on Friday evening, they will present their artistic work, their background and their work environment. In a workshop on Saturday afternoon the invited artists will meet the attendees in a new experimental dialogue field. Together they will develop an artistic format, a joint picture, a performance, a manifesto, a film… The formats will not be pre-defined; we want the artists to surprise us on each occasion.
At the 10th ARTIST TALK two interdisciplinary artist will be presenting their portfolio. Irina Novarese was born in Italy and studied painting at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Turin. She moved to Berlin in 2000 and completed a Master’s degree in Art in Context at the UdK Berlin. Her artistic research is deeply connected to her conceptual visual production. Through various media, including words, images and art books, her installations are often thematically related to the perception and history of landscapes, social and cultural realities and urban spaces. Shirin Ashkari was born in Iran and studied painting there. At the moment she is graduating at the Udk as a teacher for primary schools in the field of fine arts. In her work she tests various materials and techniques of painting and thematizes individual focuses on nature through her memories with critical observations on the frivolity of a modern life.
More information:
FB: Ulme35
Participation is free of charge. The ARTIST TALK workshops target artists of all genres, art students and art lovers. Please sign up via Inbox on Facebook or email at atelier@interkulturanstalten.de.